HRN Releases Statement on Japanese Companies’ Links to Forced Labor in XUAR China and Corporate Responsibility

HumanRightsNow, May 6, 2021

HRN has released the English translation of our Joint Statement with Japan Uyghur Association “Japanese Companies’ Links to Forced Labor in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Corporate Responsibility”. The statement provides the results of our survey of Japanese companies previously linked to businesses in China employing forced labor of Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in a past report and our analysis of their responses.

We conclude the statement by recommending that Japanese companies clarify their business relationships with suppliers linked to forced labor, to terminate any business relationships with industries in China linked to forced labor where forced labor cannot be clearly ruled out, and to establish and disclose corrective measures to prevent forced labor in the future.

You can read the text of the statement below, and it is also available in PDF format from the following link: Japanese Companies’ Links to Forced Labor in XUAR China and Corporate Responsibility.pdf

Japanese-Companies-Links-to-Forced-Labor in XUAR-China-and-Corporate-Responsibility



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