Japan: International conference raises human rights violations by China against Uyghurs

ANI | Updated: Oct 31, 2023 14:58 IST

Tokyo [Japan], October 31 (ANI): Over 150 participants, including parliamentarians, politicians, Uyghur rights advocates and civil society representatives participated in a two-day “International Uyghur Forum: Global Parliamentarian Convention” at the National Diet of Japan (House of Representatives Building) in Tokyo.

The conference was organised by the Japan-Uyghur Parliamentary Caucus (JUPC), the Japanese parliamentary caucus to investigate and take action on human rights abuses committed by China (JPCHC) and the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) in cooperation with the Japan Uygur Association (JUA) and the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC).

It aims to bring together parliamentarians from various countries who are working on the Uyghur Genocide and supporting Uyghurs worldwide.

The conference focused on international responses to the Uyghur genocide and heinous human rights violations such as racial discrimination, physical and psychological torture, forced labour, and cross-border persecution.

It seeks to promote cooperation among parliamentarians from different countries and discuss strategies to address the current challenges and overcome them. Additionally, the conference will address the erosion of democratic systems in Hong Kong, military tensions in the vicinity of Taiwan, and China’s threat to peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.

David Lega, member of the European Parliament shared on X (formerly Twitter), “Honoured to share the stage with esteemed colleagues Prof. Sean Roberts, Nathan Ruser, and distinguished panellists at the International Uyghur Forum in Tokyo. We’re collectively addressing the Chinese propaganda machinery for policy clarity. Unity for truth and justice”.




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