10th Webinar on Understanding the Uyghur Genocide from Experts

Invited Speaker: Laura T. Murphy(Professor of Human Rights and Contemporary Slavery at the Helena Kennedy Centre at Sheffield Hallam University)
Date & Time: Friday, Dec 2, 2022, 9:00 PM-10:30 PM ( JST time )
Registration: https://forms.gle/GjLyr1UBgcANAZx66
The meeting link will be sent soon before the webinar.
webinar language: English

If you have inquiries about the webinar, please reach out to us via scholar.uyghur.solidarity@gmail.com

Since the occupation of East Turkistan (a.k.a. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) by the Chinese regime in 1949, Uyghurs and other Turkic people have been intensifying repressive policies led by the regime in their homeland. Since 2017, even “re-education” camps or internment camps have been established under CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping’s administration. Operations have been led by CCP committee secretary Chen Quanguo, also known as the architect of the crackdown in East Turkistan. Those who have not been detained are still under close surveillance and religious restrictions, forced labor, and forced sterilization. According to new evidence, the Chinese government forcibly sterilized Uyghur women in and outside the camps, which caused the birth rate of Uyghurs to drop by 24%. Controlling the birth rate and mass incarceration, indoctrination, extrajudicial detention, invasive surveillance, forced labor, and the destruction of Uyghur cultural sites, including cemeteries, add up to a complete form of Genocide definition by United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect. These kinds of government-led genocidal campaigns in East Turkistan now remind us of the Holocaust.

Over the past four years, mounting of evidence, including high-resolution satellite images, the Chinese government’s own leaked documents, eyewitness testimonies, and other ground truth pictures or videos, have been published or presented by news agencies and independent researchers and international research institutes. Even though the evidence strongly proved the Chinese regime’s genocidal policies towards Uyghur and other ethnic groups of East Turkistan, they have been denied by the Chinese regime.

Since the United States first declared the human rights abuses in East Turkistan a genocide on January 19, 2021, multiple countries followed by recognizing China’s actions as genocide, including the House of Commons of Canada, the Dutch parliament, the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, Seimas of Lithuania, Czech Republic and Netherlands parliament. Other parliaments, such as New Zealand and Belgium, have condemned the Chinese government’s treatment of Uyghurs as “severe human rights abuses” or crimes against humanity.

To raise more awareness of the Uyghur genocide and achieve recognition by other countries, those academic scholars, researchers, and professors need to know about the Uyghur issues and raise them to the academic level. Therefore, the Japan Uyghur Association, together with some scholars in Japan and the United States, has been launching a signature campaign for academics from all around the world since October 2020. More than 500 scholars around the world have signed up for the campaign, and the number continues to grow. Please check the following website for the details. (https://scholars-against-uyghur-genocide.org/). As the second step, we are planning to hold a series of online talks in the academic circle about the oppression of Uyghurs and how the international community can help to stop the Uyghur Genocide. The speakers will consist of intellectuals familiar with Uyghur issues from around the world. Concentration camp witnesses and those whose relatives are in the concentration camps will also be invited to testify on the spot.is event will help scholars to deepen their understanding of the Uyghur Genocide and to urge people and governments of all countries to take action to stop the Genocide. Each of your participants may save an Uyghur’s life.



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