Emergent Written Request : Please leave Uighur refugees detained in custody on humanitarian grounds to third countries.Please listen to appeals of Uighur refugees at the risk of their lives through their hunger strikes! : Japan Uighur Association

Emergent Written Request

Prime Minister of Kingdom of Thailand
Prayuth Chan-o-cha

Please leave Uighur refugees detained in custody on humanitarian grounds to third countries.
Please listen to appeals of Uighur refugees at the risk of their lives through their hunger strikes!

We belong to Japan Uighur Association, a nonprofit organization which has acted towards the violation of human rights and the established rights of national self-determination for Uighur in Japan.

It has already been informed here in Japan that Uighur refugees detained in custody in your country are currently going on life-endangering hunger strike because they would like to go to liberal third countries and are most afraid of being deported to China. Why does your country which has so far protected many refugees including refugees from Vietnam and North Korea yield to the pressure from the Chinese government with regard to the problem of Uighur refugees this time? Your country deported more than hundred of refugees to China last year and currently still continues to detain dozens of Uighur refugees including two refugees decided to be protected as refugees by United Nations High Commission for Refugees. In addition, according to witness of those refugees themselves, they are discriminatively treated. Not only does not your country listen to their protests through hunger strike of this time at all but also your country neglects the refugees injured in health and coming down on the street. All those behaviors will bring disgrace to your country which should be a humanitarian Buddhist country.

We strongly request your country to listen to appeals of Uighur refugees detained in custody, allow them to third countries they wish and save the refugees going on hunger strike according to spirits of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and Universal Declaration of Human Rights and from humanitarian as well as human rights viewpoints.

Then, we would like Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan to protest the Thai government about the treatment of Uighur refugees from human rights diplomat and refugee protection viewpoints and request the Thai government to allow them to go to liberal third countries.

June 4, 2016
Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Uighur Association, Ilham Mahmut

PDF File

緊急要請文「拘留中のウイグル難民を人道的に第三国に出国させてください! ウイグル難民のハンストを通じた命がけの訴えに耳を傾けてください!」 : 日本ウイグル協会



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