日本ウイグル協会 主催 「ウイグル文化講演会」

日本ウイグル協会 主催 「ウイグル文化講演会」


時間:2010年9月27日 開場18:30 開演19:00
場所:国立オリンピック記念青少年センター センター棟416号室

講演:「2世紀から11世紀 東トルキスタン タクラマカン盆地の仏教文化」

参加費 1,000円 (日本ウイグル協会会員は500円)

〒151-0052東京都渋谷区代々木神園町3-1 TEL:03-3469-2525

日本ウイグル協会主催「ウイグル文化講演会」PDFファイル 表(375kb) / 裏(186kb) 日本ウイグル協会主催「ウイグル文化講演会」

Kaiser Abdurusul OzHun

カイザー・アブドゥルスル・オズフン Kaiser Abdurusul OzHun

Kaiser Abdurusul OzHun is an artist and art appraiser specializing in Silk Road art, as well as a writer and literary critic focusing on Uyghur literature. He was born October 11, 1969, in Atush – East Turkistan. He is a 1994 graduate of the Fine Arts Department of Xinjiang Pedagogic University. From 1994 to 1999 he worked as a documentary-film producer and journalist at Xinjiang Central TV. Since 1999 he has undertaken graduate studies in languages and fine arts in Malaysia, Sweden and postgraduate at UK. He was General Secretary and Acting President of the International Uyghur PEN Centre (www.uyghurpen.com) 2006-2009, and was re-elected President in August 2009. He is currently based in Lund Sweden.

The Buddhist art of the Tarim Basin

Kaiser Abdurusul OzHun カイセル・アブドゥルスル・オズフン

The Silk Road transmission of Buddhism followed Central Asia to China, Korea and Japan. However, extensive contacts started in the 2nd century CE, probably as a consequence of the expansion of the Kushan Empire into the Tarim Basin, with the missionary efforts of a great number of Central Asian Buddhist monks to Chinese lands. The first missionaries and translators of Buddhists scriptures into Chinese, such as Lokaksema, were either Parthian, Kushan, Sogdian or Kuchean.

Central Asian missionary efforts along the Silk Road were accompanied by a flux of artistic influences, visible in the development of Serindian art from the 2nd through the 11th century CE in the Tarim Basin, East Turkistan (modern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomy region). Serindian art often derives from the art of the Gandhara district of what is now Pakistan, combining Indian, Greek and Roman influences.


The art of the Tarim Basin was also highly influenced by the development of Mahayana Buddhism, an inclusive faith characterized by the adoption of new texts, in addition to the traditional Pali canon, and a shift in the understanding of Buddhism. Mahayana goes beyond the traditional Theravada ideal of the release from suffering (dukkha) and personal enlightenment of the arhats, to elevate the Buddha to a god-like status, and to create a pantheon of quasi-divine Bodhisattvas devoting themselves to personal excellence, ultimate knowledge and the salvation of humanity.

マハーヤーナ仏教は、 個々のすばらしさ、究極の知識、人類の救済に身を捧げ、ブッダを神のような身分に高めるために、そして神に準じる菩薩の神殿を作ることで苦しみ(dukkha:苦/パーリ語)から救済し、阿羅漢(アルハット)を悟る伝統的なテラワダ仏教(小乗)の思想を超えています。

The first clear manifestations of Buddhist art date back to the time of the emperor Ashoka during the Mauryan era (322-180 BCE), through the building of numerous stupas such as the one at Sanchi, and the erection of pillars.


Although India had a long sculptural tradition and a mastery of rich iconography, the Buddha was never represented in human form, but only through some of his symbols.


Anthropomorphic representations of the Buddha started to emerge from the 1st century CE under the Kushans. It is still a matter of debate whether the anthropomorphic representations of Buddha was essentially a result of a local evolution of Buddhist art or a consequence of Greek cultural influence in Gandhara through the Greco-Buddhist syncretism.


This iconic art was characterized from the start by a realistic idealism, combining realistic human features, proportions, attitudes and attributes, together with a sense of perfection and serenity reaching to the divine. This expression of the Buddha as a both a man and a god became the iconographic cannon for subsequent Buddhist art.


The eastern part of Central Asia (Turkestan (Tarim Basin Xinjiang) in particular has revealed an extremely rich Serindian art (wall paintings and reliefs in numerous caves, portable paintings on canvas, sculpture, ritual objects), displaying multiple influences of different cultures.


*** Hotan, Kashgar-Tumshuk, Kusan – Kizyl-Agni, Turfan-Bizeklik, Deshit Ata (Dun huang)


ウイグル文化講演会「2世紀から11世紀 東トルキスタン タクラマカン盆地の仏教文化」 ~活動報告




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